The Returned & Services League of Australia – New South Wales Branch
The League's NSW Branch was formed in 1916, became part of the federal RSSILA in 1917, and has maintained its association with the Returned and Services league of Australia for more than a century.
The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) was incorporated as a statutory corporation by the Parliament of NSW in 1935 and has been an advocate on behalf of veterans and their families since its founding.
Our Sub-Branch History
On 3rd February 1945 a meeting attended by fourteen people, for the purpose of establishing a Sub-Branch, was held in the old Lifesavers' Hall at Brighton le Sands. A Charter was granted on 5th April 1945, and two days later a meeting was called to elect officers with the result that the following were appointed
President, W. Thompson; Hon. Secretary, C. Gain and Hon. Treasurer, L. Bell
The Sub-Branch purchased a garage, which is the present memorial Hall, at cost of £2,100 on 7th September 1945, and in 1958 the adjoining premises were acquired to make additions to the hall.
The Sub-Branch has done a great amount of welfare work, and many worthy causes have been assisted financially.
RSL NSW members commit to continuing the camaraderie of military service, serving each other and serving veterans and their families in need, to ensuring that veterans and their families are respected, supported and remembered.
The League is a grassroots organisation, led by its volunteers. The strong connections between Sub-Branches and their local communities underpin every aspect of the League's work for veterans and their families.
League members are committed to Advancing Australia's interest, upholding the Australian Constitution, ensuring Australian's national security and promoting the good name and standing of the members of Australian Defence Force and their families.
The League binds Australians to the promise of never forgetting the service and sacrifice of those who have served before us. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Sub-Branch Executive
The functions, duties an obligations of a Sub-Branch are controlled and manage by the Sub-Branch executives and in the case of an incorporated Sub-Branch the Board or management committee.
The Sub-Branch President and any Vice President must be service members, and all other Sub-Branch Executives.
President John Yates
Vice President Raymond Banks
Secretary Charlie Leo
Meeting Details 3rd Tuesday of each month
Meeting Location 351 Bay Street, Brighton Le Sands NSW 2216
Sub-Branch Primary Contact Charles Leo
Main Phone 02 9567 5157
Mobile Phone 0408 673 247